German apple crop 10.3% bigger than ten-year average
German apple crop 10.3% bigger than ten-year average
According to data of the German bureau for statistics Destatis, in 2022, about 1.1 million tonnes of apples were harvested in Germany. This made the production about 66,000 tonnes or 6.6% higher than in the preceding year. In the same period, the surface area of apple fell by about 520 ha or 1.5%.
In comparison with the ten-year average of the years 2012 to 2021, the 2022 apple production was about 100,000 tonnes and 10.3% higher. After the particularly good production years of 2014 and 2018, with both more than 1.1 million tonnes, the 2022 apple crop is in third place of the highest productions of the past 10 years. Decisive for the good result was on the one hand the good fruit set and on the other hand the low infestation by pests and diseases due to the weather conditions. (Source: Destatis)